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Eight Minute Equity: IFRS 2

Joe Brennan
Content and Communications Lead
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Making compliance mistakes can cost businesses dearly. The impact might be felt in direct monetary terms with fines, but failing to comply with regulations can mean lost productivity, difficulties hiring great people, and problems winning new business. So companies everywhere need to understand the ins and outs of IFRS 2, the international financial reporting standards that cover the expensing of share-based payments.

The burning questions for companies

It's one of those topics that come up over and over again in our conversations with customers. Some of the questions we're asked –  "How can I make IFRS 2 reporting easier?" "How do I keep track of terminations and forfeitures?" – reveal the frictions that IFRS 2 can create in a business, particularly one that's growing quickly and distributing ownership widely.

So we thought we'd unpack some of these questions in our new video series, 8 Minute Equity! Listen in to Alex Hare, Ledgy Senior Product Manager, sheds light on some key topics:

Discussion topics

Alex covers a set of important issues and questions for finance leaders and other stakeholders tackling IFRS 2:

  • The differences between IFRS 2 and US GAAP methodologies;
  • Why you probably need to 'true up' your equity plan estimates every year;
  • And what Benjamin Franklin has to do with leading a finance team...

We hope you enjoy the conversation.

Learn more about IFRS 2

Interested in learning how to deal with financial reporting in Ledgy? Our help section takes you through how to add valuations and create IFRS 2 expensing reports! And did you know we have a partnership with valuations specialist Aranca? Check out our valuations services, and all our other integrations, on our dedicated page.

Joe is Ledgy’s Content and Communications Lead. He has over a decade's experience working in marketing and communications for scaling tech companies and global professional services firms.

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